I am in a quandary about what career path to choose.
I feel overwhelmed by the number of options available and the fear of
making the wrong choice. (選択肢の数と、間違った選択をすることへの恐怖に圧倒されています。)
However, I believe that it is important to remember that some things
in life are immutable, such as the passage of time and the
inevitability of change.
I feel overwhelmed by the number of options available and the fear of
making the wrong choice. (選択肢の数と、間違った選択をすることへの恐怖に圧倒されています。)
However, I believe that it is important to remember that some things
in life are immutable, such as the passage of time and the
inevitability of change.
Quandary: 困惑
Immutable: 不変の
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