I want to preface my remarks with a brief diatribe about the
importance of time management.
Time is a finite resource and our ability to effectively manage it can
greatly impact our productivity and success.
However, many people struggle with time management, often feeling
overwhelmed and unable to accomplish their goals.
This is where preplanning can preclude such issues and lead to a more
efficient use of time. (ここで、事前計画がこのような問題を排除し、時間のより効率的な利用につながることができます。)
By taking the time to prioritize tasks and create a schedule,
individuals can better allocate their time to the most important and
impactful activities.
This not only helps prevent unnecessary stress but also ensures that
time is used efficiently, leading to a sense of accomplishment and
greater overall satisfaction.

Diatribe: 痛烈な批判
Preclude: 排除する



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