There is a common dichotomy in the field of psychology between nature
and nurture. Some argue that behavior and personality are primarily
influenced by genetics, while others contend that environmental
factors play a larger role. However, it is important to approach this
dichotomy with caution as the reality is likely more complex and
multifaceted. (心理学の分野には、本質と育成の間に普遍的な二分法があります。行動や人格は遺伝子によって主に影響を受けるとする意見もありますが、環境要因がより大きな役割を果たすと主張する人もいます。しかし、この二分法には慎重に取り組む必要があります。現実はおそらくより複雑で多面的だからです。)

The story about the lost city was apocryphal, meaning it was of
doubtful authenticity. While many people were fascinated by the tale,
there was no concrete evidence to support its existence. It serves as
a reminder to critically evaluate the credibility of information and
stories before accepting them as fact.

Dichotomy: 二分法
Apocryphal: 疑わしい



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