The experience of traveling to different countries and immersing
oneself in diverse cultures is tantamount to broadening one’s
perspective on life. It helps to break the monotony of everyday
routines and offers a refreshing escape from the prosaic aspects of
daily life. (異なる国々を旅し、異文化に触れる経験は、人生の視野を広げることに同等です。日常の単調さを打破し、平凡な日常生活からの爽やかな逃避を提供します。)
oneself in diverse cultures is tantamount to broadening one’s
perspective on life. It helps to break the monotony of everyday
routines and offers a refreshing escape from the prosaic aspects of
daily life. (異なる国々を旅し、異文化に触れる経験は、人生の視野を広げることに同等です。日常の単調さを打破し、平凡な日常生活からの爽やかな逃避を提供します。)
Tantamount: 同等の
Prosaic: 平凡な
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