The recent rise in COVID-19 cases has led to a sense of complacency
among the population, with many people believing that the worst is
over. However, this complacency could prove dangerous if we do not
remain vigilant. We must not see the decline in cases as a reprieve,
but rather as an opportunity to further strengthen our preventive
measures. (最近のCOVID-19の感染者数の増加は、多くの人々が最悪の状況は過ぎたと思い込み、自己満足の感覚を引き起こしました。しかし、この自己満足は慎重さを失い危険です。感染者数の減少を一時的な猶予ではなく、予防策を一層強化する機会と見るべきです。)
among the population, with many people believing that the worst is
over. However, this complacency could prove dangerous if we do not
remain vigilant. We must not see the decline in cases as a reprieve,
but rather as an opportunity to further strengthen our preventive
measures. (最近のCOVID-19の感染者数の増加は、多くの人々が最悪の状況は過ぎたと思い込み、自己満足の感覚を引き起こしました。しかし、この自己満足は慎重さを失い危険です。感染者数の減少を一時的な猶予ではなく、予防策を一層強化する機会と見るべきです。)
Reprieve: 一時的猶予
Complacency: 自己満足
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